Scrum is, by design, a “pull system” rather than a “push system”. The Scrum Team determines how much work they will pull in to each Sprint. The Product Owner determines what items are ready to be pulled in according to
Maintenance Patterns for Scrum Teams
Try as we might, software products are never perfect. Coding styles, legacy bugs, tight deadlines, changing frameworks and evolving languages all contribute to the error potential of complex systems. Scrum Teams are often faced with the choice of working on
Multitask at Your Own Risk
Here are some thoughts on multitasking in IT – assigning people to multiple projects at the same time. Multitasking Gets You There Later.
Leave Some Space Between the Notes
Trust your subconscious mind to be a smart partner. If you get stuck, don’t keep slamming against the dam. Do something else for a while. Then consult someone else. Do some lateral thinking. Get outside the box. Maybe do no thinking at all. And even when things are going well, give your brain a break. Leave some space between the notes.